Occurrence, fate, and remediation for per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in sewage sludge: A comprehensive review.

Publication Type:
Journal Article
J Hazard Mater, 2024, 466, pp. 133637
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Addressing per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination is an urgent environmental concern. While most research has focused on PFAS contamination in water matrices, comparatively little attention has been given to sludge, a significant by-product of wastewater treatment. This critical review presents the latest information on emission sources, global distribution, international regulations, analytical methods, and remediation technologies for PFAS in sludge and biosolids from wastewater treatment plants. PFAS concentrations in sludge matrices are typically in hundreds of ng/g dry weight (dw) in developed countries but are rarely reported in developing and least-developed countries due to the limited analytical capability. In comparison to water samples, efficient extraction and cleaning procedures are crucial for PFAS detection in sludge samples. While regulations on PFAS have mainly focused on soil due to biosolids reuse, only two countries have set limits on PFAS in sludge or biosolids with a maximum of 100 ng/g dw for major PFAS. Biological technologies using microbes and enzymes present in sludge are considered as having high potential for PFAS remediation, as they are eco-friendly, low-cost, and promising. By contrast, physical/chemical methods are either energy-intensive or linked to further challenges with PFAS contamination and disposal. The findings of this review deepen our comprehension of PFAS in sludge and have guided future research recommendations.
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