The electrochemical properties of sodium/iron sulfide battery using iron sulfide powder coated with nickel

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2011, 28 (1), pp. 107 - 110
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To develop the battery with low cost and high energy density, Na/TEGDME/FeS cell was prepared using Ni-plated FeS powder. Electrochemical properties of Na/FeS cells were investigated by cyclic voltammogram measurement and charge-discharge tests. The Na/FeS cell showed a high initial discharge capacity of 525 mAh/g-FeS in the current density of 0.1C-rate. The FeS electrode showed two reduction peak potentials at 0.87 and 1.39 V and broad one oxidation peak between 1.23 V and 2.3 V. The discharge products might be sodium sulfide of Na2Sx (x = 1 to 5). The discharge capacity of 195 mAh/g-FeS was maintained after 150th cycle. © 2011 Advanced Study Center Co. Ltd.
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