Managing disability sport: From athletes with disabilities to inclusive organisational perspectives

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Sport Management Review, 2014, 17 (1), pp. 1 - 7
Issue Date:
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Disability is a complex multidimensional social construct. In a sporting context, people with a disability often face a multitude of barriers to participation in sport and achievement in sport. While other marginalised populations have received attention in the field of sport management, disability has received very little, or been used primarily as a context. This special issue focuses on "managing disability sport" rather than the medical, human performance or sociocultural issues facing people with disability. The collection of papers herein focus on management issues that centre on constraints to sport participation, supply side attributes, participant behaviours, consumption of disability sport, policy implementation, and sponsor congruence. We situate these papers in the context of further challenging researchers to think beyond disability as a context in their research and engage in the critical discussions necessary to advance the agenda of managing disability sport. © 2013 Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand.
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