From Alice and Evelyn to Isabella: Exploring the narratives and norms of ʻnewʼ surrogacy in Australia

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Griffith Law Review, 2012, 21 (1), pp. 101 - 136
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© 2012, (publisher). All rights reserved. This article explores the role of discourse and narrative in shaping the recent wave of reforms to surrogacy law and policy around Australia. I examine two sites of dialogue – parliamentary debate and media representations – where discourses concerning surrogacy have been reframed dramatically to justify a new era of regulation. The themes that have emerged through these reform dialogues both reflect and recraft contemporary understandings of surrogacy specifically, and non-traditional family formation more broadly. As such, this is both an analysis of the role of evolving discourses of surrogacy, infertility and assisted reproductive technology in Australia, and a case study of a multiple-jurisdiction law reform process dominated by narrative and anecdote.
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