The Future of Management Education Scoping Paper

Australian Business Deans Council
Publication Type:
2012, pp. 1 - 32
Issue Date:
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The Future of Management Education initiative is being undertaken by the Australian Business Deans Council with funding support from the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) under its Workforce Innovation Program. The Scoping Paper will be the basis of a broad consultation exercise which will encompass two workshops with business leaders in Sydney and Melbourne. The initiative proposal was supported by key industry and professional associations, including AiG, B-HERT, ICAA and Society for Knowledge Economics, and now has the additional participation of the BCA, ACCI, AIM, CPA Australia, AHRI, APESMA, AMI and the Australian Business Foundation. The consultation exercise will be followed by a call for expressions of interest by business schools to participate in `innovative practice trials, which enable the development and delivery of new curriculum and learning concepts. The results will be summarised in a final report in 2013 with a view to disseminating and diffusing best practice in business and management education. A Project Steering Committee is in the process of being established with key stakeholders in the initiative, including DIISRTE, and a Project Management Group is also being established, comprising interested ABDC deans and the Lead Project Consultant. Roy Green, Project Director (University of Technology Sydney) Richard Hall, Lead Project Consultant (University of Sydney) Renu Agarwal, Research Consultant (University of Technology Sydney)
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