High quality SiC microdisk resonators fabricated from monolithic epilayer wafers

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104 (5)
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The exquisite mechanical properties of SiC have made it an important industrial material with applications in microelectromechanical devices and high power electronics. Recently, the optical properties of SiC have garnered attention for applications in photonics, quantum information, and spintronics. This work demonstrates the fabrication of microdisks formed from a p-N SiC epilayer material. The microdisk cavities fabricated from the SiC epilayer material exhibit quality factors of as high as 9200 and the approach is easily adaptable to the fabrication of SiC-based photonic crystals and other photonic and optomechanical devices. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
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