Fabrication aware form-finding a combined quasi-reciprocal timber and discontinuous post-tensioned concrete structure

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
ACADIA 2014 - Design Agency: Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, 2014, 2014-October pp. 375 - 384
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© 2014 ACADIA. All rights reserved. This paper describes a design and construction method that combines two distinct material systems with fabrication aware form-finding and file-to-factory workflows. The method enables the fluent creation of complex materially efficient structures comprising high populations of geometrically unique parts. The first material system employs a novel rotated joint design to allow the structural tuning of quasi-reciprocal timber frame elements fabricated from multi-axis machined plywood sheet stock. The second employs discontinuous post-tensioning to assemble unique precast concrete components into load-bearing structures, significantly reducing or eliminating false work during assembly. The method is tested with the construction of a research pavilion.
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