A semiotic analysis of gesture and emotion in artistic human-computer interaction

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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. This thesis contains 3rd party copyright material. ----- A Semiotic Analysis of Gesture and Emotion in Artistic Human-Computer Interaction In face to face human communication bodily gestures may play an expressive role, transmitting information on how the sender of the message feels, commonly known as body language. A key feature of such communication is the attachment of emotions to gestures. In Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction (MMHCI) interfaces are capable of detecting human gesture. The key focus of this research is to create an interactive artwork where the interactor experience generates gestures with associated emotions, focusing on a part of expressive gestural face to face communication. This interaction will be termed Artistic Human-Computer Interaction (AHCI). The practice of Interactive Film-Making serves as the foundation for evolving a design and research method. The design process is based on expressive gesture production in theatre where ‘natural’ face to face communication is synthesised by actors to produce the dramatic artform. Semiotic analysis is applied both to gestural theatre processes and to the multimodal interface elements creating a matrix, enabling the design. The interactive artwork takes the form of an Interactive Gestural Film Game where narrative film content is assembled through gestural action. The subjects are from a teenage, urban, English-speaking audience. The work is evaluated for gesture response and associated emotions as well as for coherency and engagement with the artwork.
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