Revelation Through Concealment

Aalto University
Publication Type:
Critical Costume 2015, New Costume Practices and Performances
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1CC15_exhibition_catalogue__FINAL9_forSofia.pdfAccepted Manuscript version478.59 kB
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Revelation through Concealment is the culmination of several projects that investigate fields of vision, concealment of the body and perception. The haunting and uncanny feelings experienced in the presence of a shrouded or concealed body, divorced from the known parameters of bodily representation, signify death in a similar way to a historical garment in a museum. Revelation through Concealment is multidisciplinary work located within the blurry parameters of conceptual fashion design, categorized as a collage on the body. It is an exploration of vision, the power of sight and how to be perceived by others’ representations and consumption. This research project’s title, Revelation through Concealment, is derived from a quote by art critic David Bourdon’s description of Christo and Jeanne Claude’s artistic practice involving the wrapping of monuments and landscapes in fabrics as a ‘revelation through concealment’ (1970), thereby revealing the form and shape of the object in the draped cloth and creating a new surface.
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