Real Estate Trust Accounting

Accounting Real Estate Publicatons
Publication Type:
2016, 8th, pp. 1 - 285
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Real Estate Trust Accounting has been written to assist with the managing and writing up of your Real Estate Agency Trust Accounts and Office Accounts. The Trust Accounts are in accordance with the New South Wales Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002, and the associated Regulations under this Act. A feature of the book is its practical emphasis. Each chapter indicates the learning objectives, and there are self testing exercises with solutions to assist the student to test their skill and knowledge. Included also are graded questions which allows the student to progress at their own pace. In addition all chapters have been revised to meet the necessary legislative compliance for the current Property, Stock and Business Agents Act and the associated Regulations, and also any future proposed changes which have received assent but not yet proclaimed to commence. This text is an excellent resource for students and practitioners involved with real estate agency trust accounts. Furthermore, various chapters incorporate simplified book-keeping examples for the day to day running of the real estate agency, and the monitoring of the business performance through the application of ratio analysis.
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