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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-02-06Abortion care at 20 weeks and over in Victoria: a thematic analysis of healthcare providers' experiences.Malek, M; Homer, CS; McDonald, C; Hannon, CM; Moore, P; Wilson, AN
2023-09An analysis of the global diversity of midwifery pre-service education pathways.Neal, S; Nove, A; Bar-Zeev, S; Pairman, S; Ryan, E; Ten Hoope-Bender, P; Homer, CS
2018-11-01Birthplace in Australia: Antenatal preparation for the possibility of transfer from planned home birthFox, D; Sheehan, A; Homer, CS
2023-04-24Challenges of being a maternity service leader during the COVID-19 pandemic: a descriptive analysis of the journey.Tan, A; Wilson, AN; Bucknall, T; Digby, R; Vogel, JP; Homer, CS
2001-01-01Community-based continuity of midwifery care versus standard hospital care: a cost analysis.Homer, CS; Matha, DV; Jordan, LG; Wills, J; Davis, GK
2022-11-09Diverse pre-service midwifery education pathways in Cambodia and Malawi: A qualitative study utilising a midwifery education pathway conceptual framework.Neal, S; Bokosi, M; Lazaro, D; Vong, S; Nove, A; Bar-Zeev, S; Pairman, S; Ryan, E; Hoope-Bender, PT; Homer, CS
2021-06Early neonatal death review from two provinces in Papua New Guinea: A retrospective analysis.Vallely, LM; Smith, R; Laman, M; Riddell, MA; Mengi, A; Au, L; Polomon, C; Vogel, JP; Pomat, WS; Vallely, AJ; Homer, CS
2021-06Early neonatal death review from two provinces in Papua New Guinea: A retrospective analysis.Vallely, LM; Smith, R; Laman, M; Riddell, MA; Mengi, A; Au, L; Polomon, C; Vogel, JP; Pomat, WS; Vallely, AJ; Homer, CS
2020-01-01Ending malnutrition in all its forms requires scaling up proven nutrition interventions and much more: a 129-country analysis.Scott, N; Delport, D; Hainsworth, S; Pearson, R; Morgan, C; Huang, S; Akuoku, JK; Piwoz, E; Shekar, M; Levin, C; Toole, M; Homer, CS
2022-01Enhancing quality midwifery care in humanitarian and fragile settings: a systematic review of interventions, support systems and enabling environments.Homer, CS; Turkmani, S; Wilson, AN; Vogel, JP; Shah, MG; Fogstad, H; Langlois, EV
2012-04-01Ethical issues: The multi-centre low-risk ethics/governance review process and AMOSSVaughan, G; Pollock, W; Peek, MJ; Knight, M; Ellwood, D; Homer, CS; Pulver, LJ; McLintock, C; Ho, M; Sullivan, EA
2012-05-16Group versus conventional antenatal care for women (Review)Homer, CS; Ryan, CL; Leap, N; Foureur, M; Teate, A; Catling, C
2022-11-21Harnessing the nursing and midwifery workforce to boost Australia's clinical research impact.Eckert, M; Rickard, CM; Forsythe, D; Baird, K; Finn, J; Gilkison, A; Gray, R; Homer, CS; Middleton, S; Neville, S; Whitehead, L; Sharplin, GR; Keogh, S
2023-02Health and economic benefits of achieving contraceptive and maternal health targets in Small Island Developing States in the Pacific and Caribbean.Kelly, SL; Walsh, T; Delport, D; Ten Brink, D; Martin-Hughes, R; Homer, CS; Butler, J; Adedeji, O; De Beni, D; Maurizio, F; Friedman, HS; Di Marco, D; Tobar, F; de la Corte Molina, MP; Richards, AS; Scott, N
2004-01'Helping partners quit' - A project to help pregnant women and their partners to stop smokingHomer, CS; Brickwood, KJ
2013-12-01How does the mining industry contribute to sexual and reproductive health in developing countries? A narrative synthesis of current evidence to inform practiceDawson, AJ; Homer, CS
2017-10-01Incidence, risk factors and perinatal outcomes for placenta accreta in Australia and New Zealand: A case-control studyFarquhar, CM; Li, Z; Lensen, S; McLintock, C; Pollock, W; Peek, MJ; Ellwood, D; Knight, M; Homer, CS; Vaughan, G; Wang, A; Sullivan, E
2005-01Laying the foundation: the STOMP studyHomer, CS
2017-05-01Midwifery continuity of carer in an area of high socio-economic disadvantage in London: A retrospective analysis of Albany Midwifery Practice outcomes using routine data (1997–2009)Homer, CS; Leap, N; Edwards, N; Sandall, J
2023-11Midwifery education in Pacific Island countries: A discussion paper.Smith, RM; Calvert, B; Kata, E; Hataogo, S; Ioane, TR; Tarabo, M; Kiritome, M; Abraham, J; Lees, T; Devi, C; Ross, L; Mafi, LL; Tuitupou, T; Blackburn, K; Homer, CS