ADCS reaches adulthood: An analysis of the conference and its community over the last eighteen years

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2013, pp. 34 - 41
Issue Date:
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How influential is the Australian Document Computing Symposium (ADCS)? What do ADCS articles speak about and who cites them? Who is the ADCS community and how has it evolved? This paper considers eighteen years of ADCS, investigating both the conference and its community. A content analysis of the proceedings uncovers the diversity of topics covered in ADCS and how these have changed over the years. Citation analysis reveals the impact of the papers. The number of authors and where they originate from reveal who has contributed to the conference. Finally, we generate co-author networks which reveal the collaborations within the community. These networks show how clusters of researchers form, the effect geographic location has on collaboration, and how these have evolved over time. Copyright 2013 ACM.
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