Numerical Investigation of Mechanically and Electrically Switching SSHI in Highly Coupled Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvester

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, 1052 (1)
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© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. In aiming to increase output power for piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters, a self-powered synchronized switch harvesting on inductor (SSHI) using an electrical or mechanical switch has considerable attention. However, the advantages and disadvantages of the two switching technique for the self-powered SSHIs remains unclear. In addition, for a harvester with a high electromechanical coupling coefficient k, the piezoelectric damping force, which enhances by the SSHI's voltage increase, is likely to reduce the harvester's displacement and thus lower the output power. We developed simulation technique, and numerically investigated the performance for the electrical switch SSHI (ESS) and for the mechanical switch SSHI (MSS) harvester, considering the feedback of the piezoelectric damping force. The numerical investigation revealed that, for the ESS, the piezoelectric damping force reduces the displacement every switching on at the maximum/minimum displacement, and thus lowers the output power. In contrast, the MSS, in which the switch turns on only when the displacement exceeds the gap distance, achieved a higher output power, and exhibited intriguing phenomena that the output power continues to increase, whereas the displacement is held constant. Therefore, for a harvester with high k, the MSS can outweigh the ESS.
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