Dynamic changes in electroencephalogram spectral power with varying apnea duration in older adults

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Journal Article
Journal of Sleep Research, 2019, 28 (6)
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© 2019 European Sleep Research Society Sleep apnea elicits brain and physiological changes and its duration varies across the night. This study investigates the changes in the relative powers in electroencephalogram (EEG) frequency bands before and at apnea termination and as a function of apnea duration. The analysis was performed on 30 sleep records (375 apnea events) of older adults diagnosed with sleep apnea. Power spectral analysis centered on two 10-s EEG epochs, before apnea termination (BAT) and after apnea termination (AAT), for each apnea event. The relative power changes in EEG frequency bands were compared with changes in apnea duration, defined as Short (between 10 and 20 s), Moderate (between 20 and 30 s) and Long (between 30 and 40 s). A significant reduction in EEG relative powers for lower frequency bands of alpha and sigma were observed for the Long compared to the Moderate and Short apnea duration groups at BAT, and reduction in relative theta, alpha and sigma powers for the Long compared to the Moderate and Short groups at AAT. The proportion of apnea events showed a significantly decreased trend with increased apnea duration for non-rapid eye movement sleep but not rapid eye movement sleep. The proportion of central apnea events decreased with increased apnea duration, but not obstructive episodes. The findings suggest EEG arousal occurred both before and at apnea termination and these transient arousals were associated with a reduction in relative EEG powers of the low-frequency bands: theta, alpha and sigma. The clinical implication is that these transient EEG arousals, without awakenings, are protective of sleep. Further studies with large datasets and different age groups are recommended.
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