Data Science Institute
Variational autoencoders (VAE) are powerful generative models that learn the latent representations of input data as random variables. Recent studies show that VAE can flexibly learn the complex te...
Food plays a vital role in human sustenance and well-being, and the fluctuations in its price exert a significant impact on the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from social, e...
The serious energy crisis and environmental problems resulting from fossil energy excessive consumption have caused severe challenges to the control of energy consumption and intensity (dual contro...
The label bias and selection bias are acknowledged as two reasons in data that will hinder the fairness of machine-learning outcomes. The label bias occurs when the labeling decision is disturbed b...
In learning with fairness, for every instance, its label can be systematically flipped to another class due to the practitioner's prejudice, namely, label bias. The existing well-studied fair repre...
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) suffer from domain shift when the test dataset follows a distribution different from the training dataset. Domain generalization aims to tackle this issue by learning a ...
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Date issued
- 245 2020 - 2024
- 84 2010 - 2019
Has File(s)
- 339 true
- 200 Journal Article
- 93 Conference Proceeding
- 32 Chapter
- 5 preprint
- 3 Preprint
- 3 Working Paper
- 2 Book
- 1 Thesis
Copyright Status
- 182 Closed Access
- 139 Open Access
- 4 Embargoed
- 4 open_access
- 4 recently_added
- 2 closed_access
- 2 In Progress
- 2 Recently Added