A Power Consumption and Total Cost of Ownership Analysis of Extended Range System for a Logistics Van

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2022, 8, (1), pp. 72-81
Issue Date:
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Urban logistics holds the lifeline of global business and consumption demand. The amount of transport vehicles rises gradually but also leads to graver emission problem. Therefore, electrified vehicles are considered as better options to substitute traditional logistics vehicles. Extended range electric logistics van (ERELV) provides a solution by providing satisfactory driving range and lower production cost than battery electric logistics van (BELV). This work aims to present a thorough energy consumption and total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis for an extended range electric van to present its energy potential. Both the ERELV and BELV mathematical models are constructed and compared, and their long-term battery degradation comparison is studied for the first time. Dynamic programming (DP) is adopted in the energy management strategy for energy consumption optimization, and the global optimization result reveals the optimal energy consumption of the ERELV. Comparative results demonstrate that the ERELV has a relatively longer drive distance, slower battery aging trend, and cheaper TCO (6.6%) when comparing to the BELV. The adoption of ERELV will promisingly reduce operating cost as the alternative transportation solution for urban logistics.
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