Enhancing Sustainable Maintenance Operations through Intelligent Climbing Robots

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Conference Proceeding
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This paper focuses on improving the performance of advanced technologies to address the challenges of sustainable maintenance operations in inaccessible spaces, particularly for historical structures such as bridges and tunnels. Specifically, the study centres on enhancing the performance of Waumbot, an inchworm climbing robot, with a specific focus on rectifying mechanical sag-related issues. Accurate sag correction is crucial for precise robot positioning and movement, particularly in confined spaces like the Sydney Harbour Bridge’s steel arches. The paper introduces a sensor-fusion-based approach strengthened by closed-loop control to effectively correct sagrelated errors. This correction significantly improves Waumbot’s precision in odometry models, enabling multi-step planning without requiring re-localization. The integration of inchworm robots, exemplified by the accurate sag correction of Waumbot, aligns with the mission of sustainable maintenance by preventing deterioration, minimizing environmental and societal impacts, and enhancing energy and resource efficiency compared to traditional labour-intensive methods. Furthermore, these robots excel in accessing hazardous spaces, thereby enhancing worker safety, well-being, and overall operational sustainability. Real-world experiments validate the approach’s accuracy and applicability, highlighting its potential for broader use in bridge maintenance and similar contexts.
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