People RDC national pathfinder project: exploring federated learning tools, opportunities and resource requirements

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Pathfinder: Exploring Federated Learning Tools, Opportunities and Resource Requirements In the fourth quarter of 2023, the ARDC reached out to the ACDN, who had previously collaborated on a federated learning project with the ARDC, to jointly develop a pathfinder project. It sought to: explore the uses, needs and challenges of federated learning in the context of sensitive health-related data, while ensuring the maintenance of privacy and confidentiality identify and establish a collaborative network among similar research groups develop suitable demonstrator artefacts to centre the dialogues around them. This report presents the findings of this project, providing an overview of requirements and current experiences with federated learning. It covers: a comparison of key federated learning tools available and infrastructure requirements to support federated learning with the goal of establishing a suitable blueprint for a federated learning architecture that can be effectively implemented consideration of use cases that could become cardinal edge cases for the development of a national infrastructure, including discussion of case study of designs and deployments that are available to or informing national infrastructure healthcare-focused conclusions and recommendations to the ARDC on infrastructure and other support required to enable and encourage use of federated learning by Australian research groups. Citation Holloway L, Anees A, Al Mouiee D, Uddin A, Vafaee F, Haidar A, Gorse D, Sullivan R, Wang D, Bharathy G (2024). People RDC National Pathfinder Project: Exploring Federated Learning Tools, Opportunities and Resource Requirements. Report to ARDC, Australian Research Data Commons. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13831453
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