VDM@ICDM 2003 : Proceedings 3rd International Workshop on Visual Data Mining

University of Technology Sydney
Publication Type:
Simoff, S., Noirhomme-Fraiture, M., Böhlen, M.H. and Ankerst, M. (eds.), VDM@ICDM 2003 : Proceedings 3rd International Workshop on Visual Data Mining, UTS, 2003
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VDM@ICDM 2003 was held in conjunction with ICDM 2003 : the Third IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 19-22, 2003, Melbourne, Florida, USA. ---- Seeing may be believing or disbelieving, but above all, data analysis involves visual, as well as statistical, understanding. This phenomenon, pointed by John W. Tukey, was the motivation for organising the visual data mining workshop series. Participants in the workshop series consider 'visual data mining' as a collection of interactive reflective methods that support exploration of data sets by dynamically adjusting parameters to see how they affect the information being presented. This emerging area in explorative and intelligent data analysis and mining is based on the integration of concepts from computer graphics, visualisation metaphors and methods, information and scientific data visualisation, visual perception, cognitive psychology, diagrammatic reasoning, visual data formatting and 3D collaborative virtual environments for information visualisation. It offers machine learning and data mining community powerful means of analysis that can assist in uncovering patterns and trends that are likely to be missed with other non-visual methods. Visual data mining techniques offer the luxury of being able to make observations without preconception. The goal of the workshop was to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of the newest ideas, research and developments in visual data mining and supporting disciplines, and to identify the short- and long-term research directions in the field.
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