Unlocking Potential: Key Factors Shaping Undergraduate Self-Directed Learning in AI-Enhanced Educational Environments

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Systems, 2024, 12, (9)
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This study investigates the factors influencing undergraduate students’ self-directed learning (SDL) abilities in generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven interactive learning environments. The advent of generative AI has revolutionized interactive learning environments, offering unprecedented opportunities for personalized and adaptive education. Generative AI supports teachers in delivering smart education, enhancing students’ acceptance of technology, and providing personalized, adaptive learning experiences. Nevertheless, the application of generative AI in higher education is underexplored. This study explores how these AI-driven platforms impact undergraduate students’ self-directed learning (SDL) abilities, focusing on the key factors of teacher support, learning strategies, and technology acceptance. Through a quantitative approach involving surveys of 306 undergraduates, we identified the key factors of motivation, technological familiarity, and the quality of AI interaction. The findings reveal the mediating roles of self-efficacy and learning motivation. Also, the findings confirmed that improvements in teacher support and learning strategies within generative AI-enhanced learning environments contribute to increasing students’ self-efficacy, technology acceptance, and learning motivation. This study contributes to uncovering the influencing factors that can inform the design of more effective educational technologies and strategies to enhance student autonomy and learning outcomes. Our theoretical model and research findings deepen the understanding of applying generative AI in higher education while offering important research contributions and managerial implications.
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