Poor Little Rich Girls (After Warhol)

Poor Little Rich Girls (After Warhol), 2013
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Poor Little Rich Girls (After Warhol) is a cinematic homage to, and conceptual remake, of Andy Warhol's Poor Little Rich Girl (1965) featuring Factory superstar Edie Sedgwick. Some 50 years later: Warhol's film has been re-imagined, re-performed, remixed and revived for the digital age. Gracie Otto performs the role of Edie Sedgwick. Jack Sargeant re-stages the role of an off-screen Chuck Wein, a spectral presence in the film. Feature film invited to screen at: Vivid Sydney 2013: Festival of Light, Music and Ideas; The Sydney Underground Film Festival; The London and Portugal Underground Film Festival; Cine-B Festival (Chile). Excerpts shown at the MCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) in Sydney. J1 - ERA Context Statement to be supplied by author.
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