Notations: Disturbance and Stasis

NG Gallery
Publication Type:
Notations: Disturbance and Stasis - one man exhibition
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This exhibition featured a large selection of photographs, drawings and sketchbooks that investigates exploratory and organic modes of representation. The works demonstrate how I use mark making to explore a metaphorical and symbolic visual language of abstraction that defines spatial dynamics and temporal layering of movement, time and space. These explorations into a visual language of abstraction were conceptualised through the development of unique systems of graphic representation of movement. Also through abstraction in the moving image through signs and symbols analogous with musical and dance notations. The landscape photographs are from my collection of original photographs taken when I document a site of investigation such as the peat bogs of Wales or the Snowy Mountains of Australia. These photographic documentations accompany the sketch books that are drawn on the site at which the photographs have been taken. This exhibition represents a major demonstration of one part of my creative output over the past 5 years.
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